Tuesday 24 April 2012

Never to miss out these important hair care tips

Almost all of us would want to have the long silky and shining hair and would like to get compliments every now and then. The only problem is that we do not spend enough time taking care of our tresses. That is the main reason that we usually face various hair troubles. In order to demolish all your hair complaints and trouble, it is very important that you take good care of yourself and your body along with your hair.

You need to take proper care of your hair and must know certain do's and dont's to get healthy hair.

  1. The first and the foremost thing that gives you way to long and healthy hair is to have your hair cleaned. It is recommended that you must clean your head as often as you feel it dirty. Especially when you are coming back home from outside.
  1. The next important thing is that you avoid your excessive exposure in heat and sunlight. Sun rays harm the natural texture of your hair that makes your hair dull and lifeless. Excessive sun is never good for your hair and hence you must avoid it. Moreover if it is really that important for you to move out in sun, apply a sunscreen on your hair or at least cover your head with a cap or a hat.
  1. Even if you have had a bad hair day, it doesn't mean that you wash your hair off with a lot of shampoo. Excessive shampoos are also not good for your hair as they tend to loosen out your hair strands and make them weak. In fact shampoos contain chemicals that can play harsh on your hair.

4. Don't let your hair remain wet for a longer period of time. Wet hair are in their most assailable conditions and they are easy to break.
  1. Keeping your hair wet for a longer period of time will weaken it. Hence, it's important to gently dry it of with a gentle towel after every bath. Avoid using hair dryers as the heat generated by hair dryer is extremely bad for your hair.
  1. A few recommend that shampoos are not good for hair as they have chemicals content in it that have adverse effects. But the truth is that some shampoos may cause some problems but most of them are actually good. Never use any cheap shampoo for your hair. Use shampoos that are made by known companies. Using conditioners can make your hair healthy too.
  1. Never keep your hair unorganized. Use a comb with soft bristles to keep your hair organized all the times. Avoid brushing wet hair as that can make the hairs loose.
  1. Use proper medicines, shampoos and hair oil if you have dandruff as that can really harm your hair.

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